As a Services (XaaS) .
Also known as "Anything-as-a-Service"
The fundamental benefits of the 'as a service' model are well known and include a shift from capital to operational expenditure (Capex to Opex), often leading to lower TCO (total cost of ownership); access for businesses of all sizes to up-to-date technology, maintained by service providers that can leverage economies of scale; scalability according to business requirements; fast implementation times for new applications and business processes.
In Kaizen365, It is clear to us that the subscription economy is growing and changing buying patterns which leads to "ANYTHING as a service", which offered as fixed monthly fees with minimal installation and professional support.
In Kaizen365, It is clear to us that the subscription economy is growing and changing buying patterns which leads to "ANYTHING as a service", which offered as fixed monthly fees with minimal installation and professional support.
Antivirus as a Service
Kaizen365 offers Antivirus as a service which offers the license in a monthly bases in addition to the installation and support, licenses are per device per month.
Antispam as a Service
For Antispam as a Service, we have our own cloud antispam solution that protect your email system (Ex. Exchange, Office 365, Gmail ...) from spams & viruses. Monthly subscription and Per DOMAIN not user.
WAN Connectivity as a Service
We can quickly connects remote & mobile workers to corporate resources regardless of location, Now you can make the public Internet your private network without giving up visibility, security and control.
WAN Optimization as a Service
Kaizen365 offers industry leading secure optimization service of all applications, across hybrid networks to users everywhere so you can leverage global resources and access applications and data from anywhere - all while reducing the cost of running your business.
DLP as a Service
The DLP concept aims to prevent evildoers from getting their hands on company data so we offer the companies a protection on the end users level to control all the IN /Out data from their devices, all that in a monthly subscription fees.
Network Visibility as a Service
Kaizen365 can support any customer's network to be real-time network traffic insights, all in one easy-to-use dashboard in order to get a superior network performance. find out whom, what and when make your network performance bad.
Monitoring as a Service
Kaizen365 offers (MaaS) which is a online Proactive Monitoring for the infrastructure availability (e.g. Servers, Services, Switches, Capacity and so on) so that provides business continuity, quicker disaster recovery and easier capacity planning for all mission critical applications.
Backup as a Service
Business continuity is a factor that businesses are taking quite seriously today more than ever so in Kaizen365 we offer the customers with entire solution to backup the whole customer's environment regardless if it is Physical or Virtual on Data and Emails level.
Network Assessment as a Service
Assessment as a Service finds your weaknesses before cyber-attackers do. we can do a quarter assessment for your network to make sure your network is always has been built based on the standards.